為死海打氣 以色列千余男女一絲不掛拍裸照(組圖)
中新網9月18日電 據台灣《聯合報》報道,1200名以色列男女17日清早一絲不掛聚集死海邊,擺出各種姿勢,供著名裸照攝影師杜尼克(Spencer Tunick)拍照。
Bracing: The 1,000 volunteers rush into the sea as the photo shoot begins at sunrise
Timing: At sunrise the 1,000 volunteers, aged 18 to 77, dashed into the sea for the shoot
Installation: For Tunick, a Jewish American who has arranged naked human bodies over prominent landscapes nude shoot is an indicator of a host country's openness
In harmony: 1,000 volunteers took part in Spencer Tunick's first nude mass photo shoot at the Dead Sea
Floating: The shoot took part in the Dead Sea, the lowest spot on earth, which experts warn it could dry out by 2050
Artist: US art photographer Spencer Tunick ahead of his Dead Sea nude shoot