
The Gleaners--Millet, Jean-Francois

Artist: Jean-Francois Millet

创作完成: 1857

Style: Realism

风格: 风格 painting classicalpainting.org

Technique: oil shijieminghua.com

Material: canvas

Dimensions: 84 x 111 cm

Gallery: Musee d'Orsay, Paris, France

Tags: arts-and-crafts

By far the most recognizable of Millet’s works, The Gleaners depicts a trio of women gleaning the last bits of wheat from a field. Millet found the theme of women gleaning the last bits of wheat an eternal one, linked to stories of the Old Testament. The painting was received by the public with open scorn. It presented what at the time were the lowest ranks of society, taking advantage of the age-old right to remove the last bits of grain left over from wheat harvest, in a sympathetic light. During his lifetime, this painting garnered naught but notoriety from a French upper-class that feared glorifying the lower ranks of society, and it was not until after the artist’s death that it became more popular.

Jean-François Millet French Painter

米勒1814年出生,1837年成為保爾.德拉羅徹的學生。他一度模似18世紀法國田園詩式的作品。后來他轉向農民題材和作品,并在1848年一舉成名。在接下去的幾年里,他在巴比松一帶非常活躍,并與這一派有很多聯系。他的作品深受十七世紀荷蘭畫家的影響,尤其是夏爾丹的作品的影響,但反過來,他也影響著荷蘭畫家影響著凡高的早期作品。他于 1875年去世


